Sunday, 16 September 2007

Put down the chalk and step away from the menu board

A short appeal to sign-writers and desktop publishers everywhere. Get a fucking clue, you intellectually crippled crapheads.

Please, please, listen very careful when I say this:

There is no apostrophe in CDs, DVDs, PCs, TVs or LCDs.

No. There isn't. There really, really, really FUCKING ISN'T. It's plural. It's not possessive. It's not a contraction, so it therefore does not require an apostrophe.

It doesn't. Are you listening to me? Then stop fucking doing it. Just stop. For the love of buggering bastard Christ will you stop putting apostrophes into every word that ends in an 'S' and then leaving the cunts out when you're supposed to use them?

Case in point, from a pub menu board in my town:

There is no apostrophe in "Sausage and Chip's" but there is one in "Todays Specials" ...
Got that? Well, fucking change it, then. Don't make me hurt you.

While I'm at it, can I make it quite clear that there is not, under any circumstances, an acceptable reason for spelling the word "fair" as "fayre". Not one. It is not charming and Olde Worlde, not least because there is not such thing as "Olde Worlde." Sticking an "E" on the end does not instantly confer an authentic air of antiquity.

Neither does writing "Ye" when you mean "The." The word was never, ever "Ye" ... The "Th" sound used to have its own letter that looked a bit like a "Y", so it's not "Ye", it's not "Olde" ad it's not a "Shoppe".

Got that? Clear? You aren't tapping into the nation's rich linguistic heritage, you're making yourself look like an illiterate twat.

Pack it in, you fucking retards.

1 comment:

Peter Wolf said...

You think thats bad.There is a pub along the road which has a board outside which someone fills up with something new and unamusing every day.They never seem to run out of unfunny things to say either.If this is deliberate then fair enough otherwise you would think that out of 365 days a year they might actually write something funny once in a while but it never seems to happen.I am quite tempted to rub it out and change it sometime.Also if anyone was curious why fish stocks have been depleted in recent years then you need look no further than the kitchen of this pub.

Swordfish ,Great white shark, blue Whale, octopus, ceolocanth ,pirhana, you name it its on the menu.

They also think that using coloured chalk makes them appear more wacky.

They dont even sell anything i would consider drinkable either.I was so tempted by the Fosters and 1664 and Guinness on tap.

Silly Arses.